Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Injustice Has Become Justice

It seems we have forgotten we are human beings. Our world has become value-free. The injustice has become justice, and only the fittest survive to us.
The world watches Palestinians being massacred in Gaza but they justify all these acts of terrorism ,violence ,brutality, and inhumanity the Israelis are committing in the name of self-defense. How could those Jews defend themselves on a land they occupied? Because the American government says so? Yes .The world belongs to the American government and Muslims and Arabs are not part of this world.
Muslims and Arabs are suffering and dying and if they try to fight against the oppression and injustice they are called terrorists. How just is that? So either they are slaves of the ones oppressing them or they are killed and called terrorists?
And what is worse is Muslims today see their own leaders betraying them to the ones killing them. Is there anything worse than that?
I do not know how cruel and brutal those people could be. I feel nothing but pain and betrayal like all Muslims and Arabs, but I do believe injustice does not last. What lasts is justice and freedom..

1 comment:

Dr.G.RAMANI said...

hi friend,
dont know how to console you..i felt very sad after reading it and posted your article in my blog with your that let it go to the people of the world..let justice happen soon.

my blog url:-